All right, to those of you who read my previous post (which got deleted 'cause I was annoyed with how petulant and "waa, meeeeeeee!" I sounded), here's some randomness I want to share but didn't 'cause I was too angsty for not angsty stuff then.

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of shopping with Cody's cute mom and sister (Cheryl and Tycee, respectively.) At one of the stops, Tycee and I were waiting for Cheryl to finish up, and I saw a girl and her boyfriend walking around the store. The dude was holding a little Yorkie, and as they passed, I instinctively asked, "Can I hold your dog?" The guy stopped in his tracks, glanced at the dog and almost at me, then just started walking again. It was awesome. I had to hold my laughter in for a few minutes so they wouldn't hear me busting up...I mean, I don't think I would've let a stranger hold Truffle (not like anybody's gonna ask to pick that fur-covered pogo stick up anytime soon), but the indecision then decision to just ignore me was hilarious.

Also, I bought some weird, ugly purple earrings for $1.40. Best bargain of the day, my friends. I wore them around the mall until we went home.

Updates, you say? What updates? Oh! Okay. Well, Cody successfully launched a set of new websites for one of their clients (the first project he was in charge of, and he's been working on it for months.) The problems have been minimal after the initial launch, and I'm just happy he's a bit less stressed now than he has been in quite some time. We had one crazy night where he had to stay up until 2 or 3 to work out kinks after launch, then had to wake up at 5 the next morning to ensure it was still working and fix the issues. A couple of days of crazy hours is all...nothing compared to what medical interns and the like have to work, but it was rough when we're used to our cozy hours.

I successfully made a little plushie! She's adorable! But the yarn took forever. Next time I think I want to try felt for the hair, although I really like the way the yarn looks, and I definitely want to try a different fabric because woven cotton fabric and plushie crotches don't really mix...^_^' I'll try and post some pictures sometime, but no promises...oh, and I made a little lion plush to go with it. XD It's all very exciting.

Cody has saturated his workspace with cat calendars (a cat a day calendar and a month-to-month cat calendar), and I've promised to make him a kitty plush to hang out at his desk, too (after the lion, I'm confident a kitty with whiskers won't be too much trouble...but we'll see.)

Truffle's good. She likes the snow, and she likes to get it on her face. I got her to shake off the snow outside successfully once, and now she waits until we're safely inside before sending the snow particulates flying about. She's just cool like that.

Sunshine makes me happy. ^_^

And now, I will abruptly end.